The Chinese government probably had no idea.
Eight protesters in Tibet were shot dead by Chinese police and the idea of a protest-free visit by the Olympic flame relay through London is dead also.
The police feared violence could disrupt the event.
Campaigners vowed to redouble their protests after hearing of the deaths yesterday during one of the bloodiest clashes since pro-independence protests began last month.
They said that they would target the Chinese Ambassador to London, Fu Ying, who is scheduled to take her turn carrying the torch as it makes its way from Wembley Arena to Canary Wharf. Last night the Chinese Embassy declined to confirm whether she would take part. A number of celebrities have withdrawn from the event or made themselves unavailable in protest at China’s heavy-handed crackdown on Tibetan protesters who are demanding independence.
RidesAPaleHorse has a small suggestion for ensuring the safety of the Olympic Torch when it reaches London. He submitted the above photo as proof it could work.
It reminds one of Oliver Wendell Holmes: "Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions."
by Mondoreb
image: RidesAPaleHorse
* Olympic Flame Sparks Protests over China, Tibet
* Police Fear Olympic Torch protests after China shootings in Tibet - Bigger, Better!.
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